Adjusters International/MBC Testimonials
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Months after the storm passed, the County was still faced with tremendous burdens related to the insurance coverage issues and FEMA and MEMA eligibility issues. Jackson County hired Adjusters International to provide professional services for disaster assistance, remediation, restoration and recovery efforts. ...Their expertise with governmental regulations, the complex FEMA process and insurance adjustments resulted in our successful claim for over $2 million in additional FEMA Public Assistance funding specifically; in our successful negotiations with our insurance carrier; and in numerous other increases in the values FEMA and MEMA initially designated for County projects. Jackson County will always be mindful of the help we received from Adjusters International when we needed it most.
As soon as we engaged your company, you were able to cut through the bureaucracy and reach the key decision makers. You kept us informed of each twist and turn of your investigation. Within months of your engagement, we had our check in hand. We felt comforted and confident that our situation was given the prompt attention that was needed. I would recommend your services to any in this situation.
Matrix Business Consulting, took care of me and my company when we had a fire in a 30+ unit building in Boulder. They took me through every step, keeping us safe with their knowledge, expertise, and the staff's genuinely wonderful personalities. I am very happy and impressed with the outcome, Matrix managed all of the (many) obstacles to our advantage.
I want to thank you and your team for a job well done preparing our roof collapse claim! Even with an insurance policy that severely limited our coverage, you were able to work around many of the problems and obtained a far better settlement than the insurance company originally proposed.
We had initially thought we would be able to assess the damage and work with FEMA and our insurance carrier's adjusters by ourselves. It quickly became evident that we were going to need help. We realized we did not have the personnel, time or expertise it was going to take to deal with complex governmental regulations and equally complex insurance and adjusting issues, especially when it was taking all the resources we had just to get essential county services up and running again. ... AI really came to the rescue. You delivered what you promised, and that counts for everything down here in South East Texas.
The insurance company's estimate of damage was woefully inadequate. We retained the Matrix company because we wanted someone on our side. We did not need to worry about communicating with the insurance company or become frustrated by its tactics. I can say without hesitation that our claim would not have been settled for the actual cost of damage caused by the hail storm without the hard work of Matrix representing our side on this claim.
Your company did the investigation necessary, helped create a comprehensive estimate, and submitted the sworn statement in proof of loss for the claim. The Association Board was well-satisfied and thankful to be made whole in this matter and therefore, would recommend your services to any Association that needs to have an advocate assist them in navigating the insurance claims settlement process.
As well as relieving me of the stress of having to respond to the [insurance company's] arguments and demands, you were able to save me valuable time by packaging my complete claim in a format conducive to obtaining a favorable outcome... In just three months we were able to agree to a settlement... that was over 200% more than the amount that [was] first offered to me. Thank you again for all of your help and guidance.